The Last Weekend Of The United States
This may very well be the last weekend of the United States.
Despite the list of grievances and score settling that VP Spray Tanned Man has promised on his first day in office, there will be three as yet unannounced events that will take place to formally end the United States.
The first one will be our version of the Reichstag fire.
To recap events of 92 years ago in Germany, an arson fire in the Reichstag building in Berlin, location of Germany’s parliament, broke out just after 9 PM Monday, 27 February 1933. The arson took place exactly four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
The “fire” will be event #1.
On 38 February 1933, the Reichstag Fire Decree was issued. Event #2.
The Reichstag Fire Decree erased most of the civil liberties of German citizens. With the Nazis in power, the fire decree became the legal basis to imprison anyone considered Nazi opponents (“lock her/him up”) to suppress publications not considered “friendly” to the Nazi cause (we see you Washington Post and New York Times).

The final 1933 issue of Das Andere Deutschland, announcing the weekly paper’s shutdown 11 March 1933, ordered by Nazi officials on the grounds of “public security and order”.
And people were locked up. Lots of them. The police were very helpful. The first concentration camps were built.
Following whatever form the American Reichstag fire and American fire decree take, event #3 will happen quickly: the American equivalent of The Enabling Act of 1933.
Passed on 23 March 1933, the ‘Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich’ as the Enabling Act was known, allowed Chancellor Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Party to bypass all of Germany’s political and legal checks and balances. Prior to the Enabling Act and immediately after the fire, Hitler easily convinced German President Paul von Hindenburg to issue the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State – the Fire Decree.
It’s likely these events have already been carefully planned.
All of the billionaires of social media, legacy media and surveillance capitalism have already kissed Spray Tan Man’s ring and signaled fealty Actual President and King of Western World Musk. The help of these oligarchs will be essential to feed the sweet poison of lies and oppression to the peasants they now control.
I expect VP Spray Tan, Actual President Musk and their cadre of henchthings to act rapidly to implement something like the Fire Decree, which will be soft peddled as martial law “lite”, enacted for our “protection”.
Sham elections will take place on their regularly scheduled dates. Anyone opposing a MAGA candidate will be suppressed or outright eliminated one way or another. Any segment of the population that disagrees will be terrorized into silence.
Guns are good for shutting people up. America has more than 500 million guns in circulation. Those will help enforce a lot of silence.
By the time the spring solstice takes place on 20 March 2025, it’s likely what was the United States of America, now tRUmpistan, will be well into the deep freeze and darkness of fascism.
It will be as long time before the light returns and the nation thaws. There is no one coming to our rescue.
Enjoy your weekend.